Frequent Questions

Frequent Questions

If there is something you need to know, and it is not answered below, please contact us here.

How to Add your business listing
  1. Sign in / Register
  2. Once signed in, choose the menu item in the navigational bar called 'Add your business'
  3. Choose a plan that suits you by clicking 'continue' on the pricing table
  4. Complete the form in as much detail as possible
  5. click save and preview - Please be patient this can take a few minutes to complete
  6. Your listing will be reviewed and published within 2-3 hours. You will recieve an email confirmation once your listing is live.
How to Upgrade your plan
  1. Sign in to Paarty
  2. click on your name in the navigation menu, then choose 'Dashboard'
  3. Choose 'Listings' from the side menu within your dashboard
  4. Click the 3 dots to the right hand side of the particular listing you wish to upgrade, and choose the 'Change plan' option
  5. Choose a plan and click 'Change my plan'
  6. Follow the instructions on screen to make payment if necessary
How to Remove a listing
  1. Sign in to Paarty
  2. click on your name in the navigation menu, then choose 'Dashboard'
  3. Choose 'Listings' from the side menu within your dashboard
  4. Click the 3 dots to the right hand side of the particular listing you wish to delete, and choose the 'Remove' option
  5. Confirm that you wish to delete the listing byb clicking ''Yes
How to Claim a Listing

You have found your business listed on Paarty - great!

Why claim it?
1. Customers will be able to contact you direct using the inline form.
2. Edit the information in the listing.
3. Add upto date images.

How do I claim?
1. Head over to our Contact form
2. Choose 'Claim a Listing' in the reason dropdown.
3. Enter as much information as possible in the form including your name, email and make sure you let us know the name of the listing that is yours in the message section.
4. We will be in touch very soon with your log in details.